Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Anything Could Go Wrong Anytime

Oh boy! I need this today. I am in the middle of printing a shipping label when our printer decided to give up working for me. It served me well for sure but I wish today was not the day.

I am not going to lie. My usual response is frustration but I’m glad I wasn’t like that when this happened. I just wish I didn’t use all those time trying to make it work, which later made me rush into fulfilling the rest of the orders that needs to be shipped today.

I know I’m still a small business and this is not even a piece of the pie compared to what others experience in their business. Just want to share this and tell you a little bit about the reality of my life. It is challenging indeed but my passion for this business, small as it is, is huge. If you have crazy experience today that you want to share, feel free to leave it in the comment below. I love hearing stories about reality.

#crazyday #wednesday #quoteoftheday #reality #thestruggleisreal #anythingcouldgowrong #response #quote